Progress with this project:
Its been a long delay but we do finally have a new IP: Server is live 24/7 with a full map rotation.
Join us Wednesdays - All Day event every Wednesday
Unlocks and RANK All gun unlocks are a work in progress
New maps - Not live on the serve as of yet we are running tests on them to be sure they are stable. Here is the upcoming map list update.
3 Back to the battle maps - Back to the battle are original maps edited for better AI that no-longer get stuck on the Carrier, Follows the Flag layout in a more strategic manner with flags either move around and or added to the map. Depending on the map other changes are also made.
Back to the battle maps
Kubra Damn Dalian Plant Operation Harvest
Special Forces
Iron Gator WarLords
Play for free - Originally an Official EA game that was online in a Browser only, which was recreated as a MOD for BF2. BFHD already has one of these maps known as Trail originally called Myanmar . I have converted Airport and need to get working on Basra.
More maps to come. Even though these list of maps above are working i need to make sure there not going to crash the server. I also think I should run tests with there current flag setups as well as the AI layout from flag to flag.
Other maps that are being worked on
Boat Wars the Damn Flood (Kubra Damn filled in with water) Zetar Wetlands Back to the battle Dragon Vally Back to the battle Taraba Quary (Euro Forces) Highway Tampa (EA release threw Intel) - Totally reworked Terminus
Operation Blue Pearl - This map already exists in BFHD but the Desc file is broken. I will fix this server side and it will make it playable with out the requirement of a download
After this we plan to keep releasing more maps. The plan here is to release the 3 back to the battle maps fox Blue Pearl and from there every month we will release a new or updated map.

Site Admin
May 19, 2020